wedding managment in time

Time Management for Wedding Planner

Wedding season is starting to progress and for those of us who work in our wedding business, we are aware that it will be chaotic in the event that we’re not time-management experts! Here are our time management tips to keep you on track…

Time Management in Wedding

1. Establish a Schedule

It may seem simple, but how you structure your event planning schedule is crucial to making the most of your time and making sure you accomplish every item that are on your list for the day.

Imagine this as your personal scheduling schedule for managing your time during the event.

Therefore, you should establish routines for specific days. If your life is digital, and you’ve got apps for almost everything, there are a myriad of online resources available to you. Control your planning process for tasks, manage your projects and monitor your progress online.

And voila! If you are part of a team they can be delegated and shared. Bring everyone on board with the work that has been completed and what’s not done.

2. Delegate

Simply because you’re able to make everything yourself does not mean that you have to.

The most effective time management strategies for event planners include making a detailed list and then determining the best methods to are effective for you. ensure you have a complete checklist, and that you don’t have any dead time.

Be prepared and don’t be scared to delegate tasks to other people – event planners are notorious when it comes to being a multi-tasker however, timings are crucial and you’ll need to lead the way and take on a wide range of tasks. You should also trust the people who are around to complete their fair share of the crucial tasks, so that you can concentrate only on one task at the same time.

3. Multitasking can be a problem

The idea of multitasking at weddings may seem productive, but in actuality, it could make you spend your time in a non-focused manner because many of the tasks need the full attention of your mind, especially the tedious task of billing.

If you’re unaware, you could end up losing time.

Event planners are known to design simple routines and habits which are carried out each day using an agenda that assists in managing the time effectively. Following this method will save time and aid in avoiding distractions, which is the ultimate objective?

4. Set Deadlines

Invoicing and accounting for the month generally takes around a couple of hours or even a quarter of a day, so set real-time deadlines for routine tasks and treat them the same way as you would any other customer.

The best aspect about managing wedding timing is that you are able to borrow ideas from other companies as it’s a vast ability.

5. Set realistic goals

One mistake that business owners make when setting goals is identifying what they wish to achieve on the big day, but not defining the steps on how they can be able to achieve it.

If you’re looking to grow the wedding planning company’s online presence, you’ll be more successful by looking at your existing data to figure out the growth rate you’re currently experiencing and then establish a realistic target.

6. Make sure there's "You" time

Wedding planning can be a stressful job and the anxiety of your customers and their families is usually placed upon your shoulders. One of the most important time management skills is to make sure that your expectations are fulfilled.

Making time for yourself time’ is crucial to reduce stress, whether it’s exercising or sleep time. Time for life, work energy balance is crucial for you and to manage your business.

7. What is the best way to outsource?

If you look over the way you use your time throughout a month or week you’ll likely uncover useful insights, such as the tasks that take the longest and could be handled more efficiently.

If technical or administrative tasks take up a significant amount of your time, then you might consider hiring an assistant virtual as they’re paid on an hourly basis and are a worthwhile cost if they can free your time to manage other wedding planning tasks.

There’s a fantastic App named Eternity that was created to help you manage your time more efficiently.

8. Expect the Unexpected

Wedding planners will take a long time with venue managers and florists photographers, as well as entertainment experts. When you plan your busy schedule be sure to add time for travel to ensure you stay on track. The extra time allows you to avoid stress in the event of unexpected situations.

9. Blocks Rule of Time Blocks Rule

The wedding planning business are never-ending Many of them take more than you anticipated meeting time. Make sure you have established the start and ending times. This will ensure that everyone knows precisely how much time you require for the task to be completed.

10. Don't be afraid to say "No"

Before deciding to accept another task consider your timetable and determine if there’s more time available to you and your group members to finish the new project.

Do you think this is a necessity to your clients’ requirements? Learn to decline tasks that don’t serve your needs. This helps you set professional boundaries that help you keep to a time management plan.

11. The most crucial actions should be highlighted.

Before you decide to undertake another project consider your timetable and determine if you have more time to you and your group members to finish the new project.

Does this job really matter for the needs of your clients? Know when to refuse to do things that don’t serve your needs. This helps you set professional boundaries that help you maintain a productive time management plan.

12. Save Time Make Time, and Go Virtual

The past few years have seen meetings being replaced with email, and taking place online, which could save wedding planners lots of time to complete other wedding planning tasks.

Virtual tours and meetings at places can be accomplished in fractions of the time that an in-person tour would take.

They could also be done by using florists, stationary, invitations, as well as other vendors where visuals are crucial. A meeting in person isn’t required in all situations.

13. Telephone Vs. Email

Wedding organizers spend a lot of time communicating with their clients vendors, locations, to begin. It’s very easy to get caught with lengthy emails that could be easily sorted out by a quick phone call.

If you are thinking there’s going to be many questions, plan a conference phone call with a start and ending time. After that, you should address all pertinent questions during the call. You can then solve the issue and stay clear of an endless stream of emails.

14. Include an inquiry form on your website

Forms for inquiry are a great method to track potential leads.

If they need vital information, like details about the date of the wedding, inform potential clients immediately whether you’re available prior to taking any further steps.

15. What's Working for You

Wedding planning typically has you getting pulled in many diverse directions simultaneously. When you adhere to a planned plan that makes use of your time productively, you can maximize your efforts and provide huge benefits.


The art of managing time is learned over time, but using the right tools, you are able to create your own schedule that is customized for you and allows you to organize your wedding in the most efficient and efficient manner possible.

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